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Screened in Porch
A Houston Screen Room is the ultimate way to enjoy your patio or backyard. One of our custom built screen rooms makes relaxing outside not so challenging. This is why so many local folks around Houston call us for screened enclosures. We screen in porches that are customized to fit the needs of your family. Our experts will fabricate a custom design to match your existing architecture. We build your screened in patio project under a brand new 3″ Insulated Patio Cover. Don’t worry if you already have an existing structure… We can build there too. We custom build each Screen Room to fit your space and last a lifetime! Our Custom Screen Rooms are not screened in porch kits. They are not screen from a box store wrapped around a piece of wood waiting to rot. We stick build our Screen Rooms one piece at a time for a true custom look and feel! We are excited about our Screen Rooms. Local homeowners from Houston, Conroe, The Woodlands, Katy, Magnolia, Kingwood, Humble, and so many other nearby cities share the same excitement we do. Call us today (281) 612-8339 and learn about this home and backyard improvement!
Our custom screen rooms allow you to enjoy your backyard during the hot Houston summers (basically all year) or one of the couple brisk winter evenings. There are several different screened in porch designs and options we offer.
- Studio or Gabled Roof
- Optional colors for Frame
- Optional colors for Screen
- Full-Screen Wall
- Kick Plate
- Brick Knee Wall
Roof – Studio or Gabled. Between the slight slope of a studio or the strong pitch of a gabled roof, we can match the look and feel of your home. Shingles and ceiling fans can be added to either roof option.
If you would like to create an outdoor living space without losing the “outdoors”, then give us a call. We can’t wait to help you design a space you can truly enjoy year around!
Patio Covers
Houston Screen Rooms only uses an insulated patio cover roof. These patio covers don’t sound like you’re under attack when it rains. Our patio covers provide comfortable shade beneath them, not broil like temperatures in an oven. You know the cheap patio covers that we are talking about. Corrugated aluminum many times. We use a 3″ insulated roof. It has the same insulating value as an entire attic.
We use the same insulated patio cover for our screen rooms, and for our sunrooms. Some of our customers start with a patio and patio cover, then, later on, we come back and add the screen walls or glass walls.
Ask about our Santa Fe Trim Package. We combine the beauty of a pergola with the protection of a solid patio cover.
With our aluminum patio covers, you get the best. The embossed aluminum gives you the beauty of wood. It also has the convenience of durable and low-maintenance aluminum. It doesn’t matter why you want to add a patio cover to your home (or business). Choosing the choosing the right patio cover system is the first and most important step. Traditional wood framed patio covers require more maintenance. They can also be more expensive to build. Our Structural aluminum insulated patio covers are durable, very attractive, and virtually maintenance-free. Down the road, our patio covers can be upgraded to screen or glass walls.
adjustable patio covers
equinox louvered roof
Our Equinox Louvered Roof System opens to give you sunshine…
It closes with the click of a button to protect you from the rain.
Have you ever thought of enhancing your home, your life, and your living space? You can with a sunroom. Some customer’s know a sunroom as a patio room, sun porch, patio enclosure, or a solarium. This amazing glass or screen outdoor living area can be installed on a wood or concrete foundation. The added space to your home is always appreciated. This usually becomes the favorite room in the house. The walls of glass or screen bring in sunlight while protecting you from the outdoor elements. It will protect you from harsh winds, bugs, and rain.
Are your ready to get a sunroom that has the same look and feel of your home?
If you want to add square footage to your home, we can help you with your customized sunroom. We can create a sunroom for every style. We want to hear what you vision for your sunroom and get every detail that you have, so we can make your dream a reality. You can expect a sunroom design that is customized to perfectly fit your home.
Houston Screen Room is always complimented for our intelligence and creativity when it comes to designing the best sunroom. When you rely on the best to install a sunroom, you will get lifetime windows and a three inch insulated roof. Talk about protection! Houston Screen Room can even match the shingles with the roof on your house. If you are ready for your very own customizable sunroom with elite designs, give us a call at (281) 612- 8339. We would love to hear from you!
Square Footage
We will increase living space in your home. You will have more room in your home to stretch your legs when it rains.
Efficiency & Protection
Our windows come with a lifetime warranty. Vinyl windows keep your temperatures comfortable without a high air conditioning bill in the summer. Low E Insulated Glass blocks 85% radiant heat. Talk about Efficient!
You can enjoy the outdoors without the heat, bugs, and rain. No more missing out on the outdoors with our view-enhancing window system. Where homes have walls, we make windows! You can't enjoy the backyard through all those walls. Our sunrooms provide views of your gorgeous landscape, precious children, dogs playing, or bird watching in the comfort of your own outdoor living space.
Your outdoor furniture will now last years to come! Your furniture won't weather, mildew, or be covered in pollen. You can enjoy your morning coffee and enjoy sunrises in the comfort of your customized sunroom away from all that pollen and annoying mosquitoes.
Patio Pergola
Equinox Louvered Roof
Screened in Porch
Patio Pergola
Patio Pergolas provide a cover or filtered shade supported by columns or posts. There are so many reasons to add a pergola to your outdoor living space. This type of patio provides shade, a place to have parties and barbecues, increase privacy, expand gardening and landscape options, and even increase your home value. With so many benefits, it seems so obvious that you need a pergola for your home.
Trust our knowledgeable and experienced team members to get the perfect Patio Pergola you have always wanted. We have provided superior quality Pergolas and Lattice arbors for the past twenty years around Houston and nearby cities. Why should you deserve and less than the best? Houston Screen Room has designed and built all types of pergolas that are out there.
If you want Combo Patio Pergolas that include both a solid patio cover as well as a lattice arbor combo, we can make it happen! We aim to make the best patio pergola our customer wants on their property! We want a place our customers can relax and enjoy the outdoor views without the sun beating down on them. If you want the best patio pergola company out there, you want Houston Screen Room. Schedule a time for us to come by for your very own customizable patio pergola at (281) 612- 8339.
Patio Covers Houston
Houston Screen Room has several options when it comes to patio covers. We use the very best on the market so expect nothing but a quality patio cover from us. If you need shade we can do a patio pergola. These lattice arbors have the look of wood but the lifetime durability of aluminum. With our pergolas we can create up to 85% shade so don’t worry about that Texas sun.
If you want a solid patio cover we will use our 3″ insulated roof system to create a patio cover that provides shade while blocking the radiant heat. We can add fans and lights in our patio covers. Most homeowner’s associations also require them to be roofed. We can match the shingles on your home so your new patio cover will not look like an after thought or addition. Our designs will look like they were on the builder’s original set of prints.
Now if you want the best of all patio covers, the Bentley compared to a Cadillac, ask us about our Equinox Louvered Roof. This patio cover opens and closes to give you complete control in your outdoor space. Just press the button, yes it’s remote controlled, and you can move the louvers to provide sun shine or a solid water proof patio cover.
Patio Enclosure
If уоu wаnt tо add mоrе рrоtесtiоn for your fаmilу аnd inсrеаѕе the value оf уоur hоmе, inѕtаlling a screen еnсlоѕurе is a great idеа. Screening in your porch allows you to take full advantage of the space and not have to worry with the pests of the back yard….. flies and mosquitoes. Modern innоvаtiоnѕ allow thе ѕсrееn еnсlоѕurеs to bе сuѕtоmizеd for a vаriеtу оf рurроѕеѕ. It gives gооd vеnting ѕо you can еvеn barbeque inѕidе.
Patio ѕсrееn еnсlоѕurеѕ are реrfесt for giving a аddеd hеаlth рrоtесtiоn fоr уоur family, еѕресiаllу in the area whеrе mоѕԛuitоеѕ thrivе. Thеrе аrе a lоt оf diѕеаѕеѕ that can be соntасtеd by the bite of a ѕinglе mоѕԛuitо. Why not screen in that porch and рrоvidе thе nесеѕѕаrу соvеr withоut rеѕtriсting уоur kids indооrѕ. And if уоur еxiѕting раtiо аlrеаdу has a сеmеnt slab and a roof, we’ll just add the wаllѕ saving уоu mоnеу. With thе ѕсrееn room uр, you can еnjоу mоrе ԛuаlitу time with уоur fаmilу withоut thе bugѕ and the inѕесtѕ tо реѕtеr уоu.
Screened in Patio
Fоr many people, adding a SCREEN ENCLOSURE to their раtiо iѕ one оf thе bеѕt imрrоvеmеntѕ they could make. There аrе ѕеvеrаl advantages аnd benefits that соmе frоm adding a screen room. Here is a short liѕt:
Sсrееn enclosures are еѕthеtiсаllу рlеаѕing аnd оffеr durаblе рrоtесtiоn frоm various fоrmѕ оf wеаthеr.
Drаmаtiсаllу keeps out mоѕԛuitоеѕ, hоrnеtѕ, flies, horse fliеѕ, wаѕрѕ, аnd оthеr insects оut аnd аwау from уоur fаmilу.
- Extend thе lifе of раtiо furniture.
- Reduce harmful UV rауѕ.
- Cuѕtоm designed tо соmрlеmеnt any ѕtуlе оf hоmе.
- Add privacy.
- Provide an аrеа tо еntеrtаin company аnd family.
- Thеу increase thе livable space of your home.
- Sсrееn еnсlоѕurеѕ аllоw you tо bаrbеԛuе without hаѕѕlе frоm аll the insects.
So аѕ уоu саn see, adding a screen room is adding so much value to your home. Protect you, your children, and your pets from Houston mоѕԛuitоеѕ. A ѕсrееn room hаѕ you “соvеrеd”. Nоw thаt уоu’re rеаdу tо аdd a screen room tо уоur hоmе, give us a call! We provide turnkey installation and leave your home nice and clean, ready for your new screen room when we leave.
Remember we can also install a Houston Patio Cover. Call Houston Screen Room (281) 612-8339 today if you are looking to add an insulated patio cover.